Nepal Welcomes Over 800,000 Tourists in the First 10 Months of 2023

Published 2023 Nov 02 Thursday

Kathmandu: Nepal has witnessed an impressive influx of tourists in the first ten months of 2023, with a total of 890,678 foreign visitors exploring the country, according to the Nepal Tourism Board. This figure marks a significant increase in tourism compared to the previous year.

In October alone, 117,000 tourists arrived in Nepal via air travel, indicating a substantial surge in comparison to the 88,582 tourists who visited during the same month in 2022.

Among the diverse range of visitors, the highest number of tourists in October came from India, totaling 18,480. The United States followed with 14,879 tourists, while the United Kingdom contributed 8,217 visitors. Additionally, China accounted for 6,880 tourists, Australia for 6,075, and Germany for 5,911. France, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Italy also made significant contributions, with 5,271, 4,292, 2,507, and 2,467 tourists, respectively.

Nepal's remarkable appeal as a tourist destination continues to attract visitors from various corners of the globe, showcasing the country's rich cultural heritage and natural beauty.
